Photoshop And Politics Collide? 

Kinja'd!!! "McMike" (mcmike)
02/19/2018 at 14:19 • Filed to: fiveminutephotoshop

Kinja'd!!!6 Kinja'd!!! 46

Shame I have to bury (potentially political) humor under a harmless photo, but in case it “triggers,” I gave it a shot.


So, There Is Talk About Arming Teachers In Schools?

Not taking sides, I’m just curious if the teachers will need to qualify in order to keep teaching. I’m curious if they’ll be given time off to go to the range to keep sharp. I’m curious who would pay for all this range time, equipment, and permits.

So many questions.

While thinking of that, I also thought about the personalities of some of my old HS teachers and shuttered at the thought of some of them having to perform any of this required for such a solution.

Then these images popped into my head and it all seemed all the more silly.

Kinja'd!!! Kinja'd!!! Kinja'd!!!

“School Of Glock”


“Saved By The Shell”


“Mr Handgun”


“Over My Dead Poets Society”

I made them because I think it’s silly to ask teachers to split their time between the range, grading papers, and lesson plans. If more guns end up in schools to protect the childrens, I hope they are in the hands of qualified hands, not Mrs Ferguson, my 4th grade teacher who often wore two different shoes to school.


Kinja'd!!! SVTyler > McMike
02/19/2018 at 14:38


I asked my mom (a kindergarten teacher) about this. Her response was that if people actually knew how stressful teaching is, they’d want to keep them from as far away from weapons as possible.

Kinja'd!!! SVTyler > McMike
02/19/2018 at 14:41


Also Twitter keeping it real:


Kinja'd!!! CB > McMike
02/19/2018 at 14:46


My opinion it is that kids are incredibly perceptive in ways we don’t give them credit for. If you start putting guns, armed guards, whatever in school, I don’t think that’s going to make kids feel safe if you’re giving them the message that it can become a warzone at any point in time. I think it’ll be incredibly negative, to say nothing of the odds of a gun being used maliciously once you add another twenty or thirty to a school.

Kinja'd!!! Twingo Tamer - About to descend into project car hell. > McMike
02/19/2018 at 14:48


If arming teachers becomes a viable solution, your society is very broken.

Kinja'd!!! Takuro Spirit > McMike
02/19/2018 at 14:51


Screech just has that “Imma stab a dude someday” look about him.

Kinja'd!!! BigBlock440 > McMike
02/19/2018 at 14:59


Better solution is to just let them keep taking bullets for the kids instead of being able to send some back?

But really, we should look into banning violent media, nobody needs it and it’s only purpose is to feed, grow, and normalize bloodlust.

Kinja'd!!! Klaus Schmoll > McMike
02/19/2018 at 15:07


I think was on here that someone wrote “Remember how shitty sou were to your teachers when you were a kid. Now think twice if you want to arm them!”

This “good guy with a gun” spiel is so stupid. If you don’t constantly train for these situations you won’t be able to effectively protect civilians. Even most police officers spend too much of their time writing tickets, cruising the neighborhood, whatever so that when shit hits the fan there sometimes are very questionable decision regarding the use of their service weapon. So short of soldiers returning from Afghanistan, who would be able to effectivles eliminate a shooter in a scenario with kids running everywhere like headless chickens? It just makes no sense.

As a teacher I would have to decline if someone wanted me to carry. Make my classroom door bullet proof if you have to but don’t expect me to go after a shooter.

Sheeeesh. How far the fucking NRA has unfiltrated this country that people are even discussing this nonsense...

Kinja'd!!! crowmolly > McMike
02/19/2018 at 15:07


Stupid ideas like this are why this is a reality:


There are plenty of former NRA members who gave them a fuck you for promoting ridiculous policies.

Kinja'd!!! Spanfeller is a twat > McMike
02/19/2018 at 15:15


How about just reading the 2nd amendment as it used to be read?

Honestly, this whole gun control problem gets on my nerves. Plus, american guns end up in the hands of Narcos all the time. I wouldn’t be surprised if that piece of shit Wayne LaPierre was friends with ElChapo.

Kinja'd!!! McMike > Spanfeller is a twat
02/19/2018 at 15:17


I don’t remember the 2nd amendment saying anything about teachers, but I’ll take another look.

Kinja'd!!! Spanfeller is a twat > McMike
02/19/2018 at 15:19


The second amendment gives the right to bear arms to a well established militia.

They referred to state police departments and the national guard. Not asshole teenagers with mental health issues.

Kinja'd!!! Spanfeller is a twat > McMike
02/19/2018 at 15:19


ie; don’t give guns to teachers because it will only make the problem worse.

Kinja'd!!! vondon302 > McMike
02/19/2018 at 15:20


They don’t get paid enough as it is.

Kinja'd!!! e36Jeff now drives a ZHP > Spanfeller is a twat
02/19/2018 at 15:28


Every time someone says we should arm our teachers all I can think of is my 5' nothing 100lbs soaking wet 11th & 12th grade english teacher and how easy it would be for literally any male student(and probably better than half the female students) in the school to wrestle a gun away from her. Adding more guns to schools might reduce the number of mass shootings that occur, but I would bet a year’s paycheck that it would increase the overall number of shooting deaths in schools.

Kinja'd!!! My bird IS the word > Spanfeller is a twat
02/19/2018 at 15:38


The second amendment is reference to arming a populace so that a revolution can take place: similar to how the americas revolted against britian, or how the scots had to revolt against the brits despite them being disarmed previously.

Kinja'd!!! BigBlock440 > Klaus Schmoll
02/19/2018 at 15:42


As a teacher I would have to decline if someone wanted me to carry. Make my classroom door bullet proof if you have to but don’t expect me to go after a shooter.

Nobody expects that or wants to force you to. They want to give you the option to end it if the little shit comes to your door rather than having to say “oh, no kids here” and get shot.

Kinja'd!!! duurtlang > Klaus Schmoll
02/19/2018 at 15:45


It sounds so absurd it belongs in an over the top parody. Austin Powers, Airplane!, even Monty Python. If the US is to sink this low I think we can write them off entirely and refer to them as a banana republic. I hope it won’t come that far.

Kinja'd!!! My bird IS the word > McMike
02/19/2018 at 15:45


As a gun owner, I don’t want to inflate the god complexes of any teachers more than already is the case. Although it may get kids to pay more attention if they know their teacher is packing heat.

Kinja'd!!! Mercedes Streeter > BigBlock440
02/19/2018 at 15:48


They want to give you the option to end it...

Or miss the shot and up the death toll...

It (sadly) works both ways.

Kinja'd!!! BigBlock440 > crowmolly
02/19/2018 at 15:49


That graph probably looks similar to “motorists who aren’t AAA or SEMA members” or “people who cook are not CAN members”.

Kinja'd!!! BigBlock440 > Mercedes Streeter
02/19/2018 at 15:50


They’re there anyway without the option

Kinja'd!!! Akio Ohtori - RIP Oppo > McMike
02/19/2018 at 16:06


I assume you caught this one?


Kinja'd!!! McMike > Akio Ohtori - RIP Oppo
02/19/2018 at 16:15


Yeah, I saw that in the drop-down menu. Too bad it’s from 2013 and doesn’t allow comments.

If it was recent, I would have run to twitter and added to it.

Kinja'd!!! Akio Ohtori - RIP Oppo > McMike
02/19/2018 at 16:17


Haha probably for the best that the Onion doesn’t allow comments. Seems like they bump their old stuff when it becomes relevant again. Pretty sure this gem comes out every time this shit happens.

Kinja'd!!! Mercedes Streeter > McMike
02/19/2018 at 16:20


I love how in a nation where one of the number top tools of both crime and self-harm is a gun, they decide to double down after every mass shooting. Obviously, we don’t have enough guns, we still need more !

The facts speak for themselves. No matter what metric you want to use, there are more mass shootings and mass shooting victims now than at any point in the past several decades.

Okay, so obviously this means we fix our mental health system, right? Sure, though the effectiveness of this as the sole solution to gun violence would hinge entirely on getting people into hospitals and clinics to get that mental health. If it took several suicide attempts for me to see a therapist, I doubt a would-be mass shooter is going to bother.

So what else? Arm teachers? Sure, when there are hundreds of kids running around I’m sure that stressed out teacher will be a great shot. It’s not like it hasn’t happened where a “good guy with a gun” ended up killing the person he saw himself protecting...

Just...I don’t understand the logic that’s solving gun violence with even more guns. When has doing the same thing and expecting a different result ever really worked out?

I’m not even anti-gun. I’d love to fire off some rounds one day and see how well of a shot I am. However, someone like myself should never own a gun. If I owned a gun I would have shot myself years ago. Yet to this day, if I wanted a gun, there’s not much stopping me from buying one and putting a bullet in my head...or worse.

Hopefully tomorrow I won’t be so cynical and depressed...

Kinja'd!!! McMike > Akio Ohtori - RIP Oppo
02/19/2018 at 16:21


It does. They retweet that story every time.

Kinja'd!!! Spanfeller is a twat > My bird IS the word
02/19/2018 at 16:29


Given how vaguely written the 2nd amendment is, your observation is as valid as mine. It’s up to the supreme court to interpret it, and boy have their interpretation changed.

A state police for doesn’t necessitate federal approval and it is a militia of the people (as the police is a civilian service)

not to mention that the term “to bear arms” and “well organized” meant different things altogether at the time of writting.

Kinja'd!!! Ash78, voting early and often > McMike
02/19/2018 at 16:42


I’m generally against this idea, but even completely neutrally speaking:

Don’t bring a Glock 19 to an AR-15 fight. Both great guns, but a sidearm is not much of a deterrent to someone with a true rifle, especially if they have optics and body armor.

Kinja'd!!! nermal > McMike
02/19/2018 at 16:45


The easy response is to champion for either more good guys with guns, or more laws against guns, depending on your viewpoint. While it’s easy to pick a side and argue on the internet, I don’t think either will get to the root of the problem.

Finding out the reason behind the violent outburst of the shooter and being able to prevent future individuals from going down the same path is much more difficult.

Kinja'd!!! My bird IS the word > Spanfeller is a twat
02/19/2018 at 16:45


Mine actually has justification based off the context of history, as well as logic. Yours satisfies your own point.

Why, exactly, would the founding fathers guarantee such a right? Federal police? Where do you draw such assumptions? wheras history has shown tyrannical govenrments siezing weapons from hostile populace.

The pennsylvania riflemen were famous for using hunting mustkets. They were more accurate than comparable english brown bess rifles, but could not mount a bayonet which led to a considerable disadvantage in hand to hand combat. The scottish have a tradition known as the highland games, mostly revolving around feats of strength. this dates back to the use of farm equipment, rocks, ect. Against a superior british standard army who had confiscated weapons from them years prior.

You should want the ability to revolt against, say, a Trump-led fascistic government, no? I certainly do. The entire constitution is written around promoting the periodic removal of government by the people.

Hence, an actual argument.

Kinja'd!!! McMike > nermal
02/19/2018 at 17:00


The easy response is to champion for either more good guys with guns, or more laws against guns, depending on your viewpoint. While it’s easy to pick a side and argue on the internet, I don’t think either will get to the root of the problem.

Either way, teachers with guns is a terrible idea. Let the teachers teach. If you want guns on campus, lock the school up like a courthouse or a government building and arm it with guards and metal detectors.

^^ not picking an side, I just don’t want teachers to have to deal with it.

Kinja'd!!! nermal > McMike
02/19/2018 at 17:09


The overwhelming majority of teachers are there to teach instead of being undercover security guards, and nearly all will go an entire career without being involved in a mass school shooting. Same goes for students.

Kinja'd!!! Spanfeller is a twat > My bird IS the word
02/19/2018 at 17:13


Let me begin by saying that no one is arguing for a federal police, although you already have copious amounts of federal law enforcement, the closest to an actual police force being the US Marshalls. But, here’s my argument.

The 2nd amendment, like much of the constitution, was a compromise between the federalists that did not want a professional, national, standing army and the anti federalists that wished to disarm the populous.

Language also comes into play, “to bear arms” meant to them to participate in an army, not to have a rifle for fun, meaning that a non military individual would be devoid of any 2nd amendment rights anyway.

You will find examples throught American (after the war for independence, obviously) of courts addressing this amendment and normally not upholding it as an individual right but as the right of states to have their own militias. But then again, it is true that some of the federalists envisioned the amendment as an individual right as they thought that the militia would be made up of the people. Yet it is so vague that the Supreme Court has seen fit to give it its own understanding depending on convenience, and they do this all the fucking time!

Looking at you, Bush v. Gore !

If two laymen like us could lay down a judgment of what the 2nd amendment was meant to be in a Kinja comment section, trust me that ya’ll wouldn’t be having this constitutional issue in the first place. It is a very vague amendment and it could be easily disregarded, just as the 1st amendment is disregarded by the FCC all the time; the supreme court let them with fcc vs pacifica .

The constitution isn’t infallible and the founding fathers would be more disgusted by the concept of a United States Army than if you could buy guns or not.

Talking about the army, have you seen it? it’s fucking immense! its got more service members than some states a permanent population... if you think that badly trained civilians with inadequate guns (because when you’re talking about military gear, an AR-15 is a cutesy small gun!) can take on fucking drones, well... man, what can I say...

The LAPD’s SWAT team or the California Highway Patrol however, might have a chance at making at least a dent. Let alone National Guards that might have more affinity to their state than to the feds.

We don’t live in the times of the founders and we can’t pretend that their ideals of government even make a modicum of sense, they would if the US was an agrarian economy as they envisioned it, but a highly developed and regulated, rich, industrious nation? Nah man. Polk and other expansionists fucked with that notion from the very beginning.

Yet I want to underline that since the amendment is so vague, we’re both technically right, and I respect your interpretation of it! In fact, this comic is as right as we are!


Kinja'd!!! McMike > Ash78, voting early and often
02/19/2018 at 17:14


Please don’t make me redo all these photos with a .223 and body armor.

Kinja'd!!! Carbon Fiber Sasquatch > McMike
02/19/2018 at 17:49


The easy thing to do is replace guns with anything else inherently dangerous and see if the argument makes sense.

“Another pack of wolves attacked a school today, the AKC is saying that the obvious solution is to put a wolf in every classroom to prevent wolf attacks. Supporters emphasize that you can’t try and remove wolves altogether because they will find a way to breed and come back. However, many other nations have attempted to remove wolves from their society and have been successful. “

Kinja'd!!! My bird IS the word > Spanfeller is a twat
02/19/2018 at 18:12


excuse me, I am a very well trained civilian.

Kinja'd!!! Ash78, voting early and often > McMike
02/19/2018 at 18:47


AND Steven Seagal. That is your challenge, should you choose to accept it.

Kinja'd!!! Spanfeller is a twat > My bird IS the word
02/19/2018 at 18:55


Do you surpass army standards? If you do you’re well trained and above a majority of the population.

Even if you surpassed local police standards, you still are one of very few with the sufficient training.

Kinja'd!!! My bird IS the word > Spanfeller is a twat
02/19/2018 at 19:10


Basic combat and tactics, I plan on doing some two gun competitions whenever I get the chance. Moreover I am just being a dick.

Kinja'd!!! Spanfeller is a twat > My bird IS the word
02/19/2018 at 19:23



Kinja'd!!! Wacko > McMike
02/19/2018 at 19:27


Funny how Americans think that the sollution to gun violence is more guns.

Isn’t that like trying to put out a fire with gas?

Kinja'd!!! Elumerere > BigBlock440
02/19/2018 at 21:08


I’d counter and say that not media is the culprit (see how violent Japanese media is, but there’s hardly any murders there), but a mixture of ‘American Exceptionalism’ and ‘Turbo-Capitalist’-’greed is good’-’bootstraps bullshit’ we’re being fed over and over again. Top it off with a good heaping of ‘hero worship’ (movies, books, people in the news, the need for constantly declaring someone a hero) and you’ve got frustrated men dealing with their frustration by taking out lives.
It does not happen the same way in other places, despite dealing with similar or higher levels of unemployment, poverty, lack of success, immigration, etc.

It is uniquely American, this issue.

This is not super coherent, right now. But the idea should be decipherable.

Kinja'd!!! aquila121 > McMike
02/20/2018 at 07:31


Thank you, sir.

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > Ash78, voting early and often
02/24/2018 at 14:33


Or if they’re more than 20 feet away and your hands don’t happen to be shaking.

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > McMike
02/24/2018 at 14:36


I’m a teacher. This is what I’ll carry:


Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > nermal
02/24/2018 at 14:36


But in the meantime...